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When in NoDa…

NoDa, short for North Davidson, 是夏洛特的一个小地区,有很大的艺术和娱乐宣言吗. 你不会在夏洛特的其他地方品尝到野田的味道,那里有独特的商店和餐馆, 墙壁上装饰着当地艺术家的绘画和壁画, art galleries and studios, plus live music, theatre, and comedy, 《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》本身就是一种独特的体验,无法复制! 只要走在野田的街道上,就会给左脑的你带来一阵阵灵感, 甚至会给那些没有艺术倾向的人带来创造力的火花! 野田的街道和商店鼓励多元化的原则, eco-conscious lifestyles, creativity, and TONS of support for small businesses.


It’s Saturday, you’re in the city, with no agenda and no itinerary; you’re up for anything. 您将从臭猫咖啡屋的咖啡和糕点开始一天的旅程, 并且被热情的环境所吸引. After your relaxing morning there, 你突然想吃玉米饼,所以你漫步到卡波鱼玉米饼店,准备好参加派对的味蕾.


Now, 你刚刚吃下的美味鱼肉卷应该配上一杯冰啤酒,让人印象深刻, wouldn’t it? Visit Heist Brewing or NoDa Brewing Co. 一个有趣的酒吧场景,有大量的精酿啤酒. 或者你也可以去Salud啤酒店选择一些现成的啤酒, canned, or bottled beers from all over the world. Kick back for a few, meet some friendly locals, and then maybe after all of that excitement, 你想给重要的人买礼物(比如你自己)!). Well, you’re in luck; unique shops and boutiques line the streets of NoDa, 出售任何手工制作的珠宝和配饰, to clothing, trinkets, art, pet supplies, and much more. So, 你决定进入NoDa Eclectic Marketplace,你发现这是一个完美的选择, “必须拥有”的东西,只是在尖叫你的名字.

你已经开始熟悉这个小镇了, 你已经准备好做一些更大胆、更令人兴奋的事情了……走进510 Expert或Fu 's定制纹身店,见见才华横溢的纹身艺术家,一起为你的下一块墨水制定计划! Now, the sun is setting, 你想知道刚刚度过的令人兴奋的一天会有什么样的结局. 你发现晚上的缪斯乐队在一小时内招待了一位当地的音乐家, and like you said, you’re up for anything…So, 你拿起你的票,然后前往混合Bartique等待你的时间与创意酒和一点购物, all in once place. While browsing the shelves, 你会遇到一顶独特的帽子,每次戴上它都会勾起你在野田的怀旧回忆. 所以你退房,回到缪斯,然后摇滚,直到你再也不能摇滚了.

Now midnight is approaching, 街道上灯火通明,熙熙攘攘,热闹非凡, your head is already on its way to the pillow. 你回到家,做了一个关于你在野田振奋和有趣的经历的小梦, 想想明天会发生什么,再来一场也无妨, would it?

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Popular things to do in the Charlotte area:
Optomist Hall
NC Music Factory
PNC Music Pavilion
Camp North End
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Carowinds Amusement Park
Charlotte Perfoming Arts
Charlotte Knights Baseball
The Carolina Renaissance Festival
US National Whitewater Center
The Home of NASCAR
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